Browse through the available services and reach out via the contact form if you have any queries or to book a consultation and get a quote!
Alpha Reading
The client's unpolished draft will be evaluated through the lens of a 'casual reader' to get a sense of whether the story makes sense and to check that the story moves at a logical and understanding pace.
What you will receive:
​A comprehensive report summarizing overall impressions, as well as thoughts on plot, structure, and character development.
Feedback comments in the manuscript and suggestions for ways to increase readability and consolidate the story.
*Urgent deadline turnaround options available
*Additional passes available and incur a fee
Sensitivity/ Authenticity Reading
This service entails an evaluation of the representation of specific identities or experiences in the client's manuscript.
This process is usually done prior to engaging editorial services, as the findings may result in the decision to make extensive changes.
Topics I read for:
South Asian (Indian) culture and identity
Women's issues and feminism
Boarding school experience
LGBTQ+ (mostly Bisexuality)
Mental Health (mostly depression and anxiety)
What you will receive:
A detailed report summarizing overall thoughts
Feedback comments in the manuscript
Conscious language feedback regarding language that may be harmful or perpetuate stereotypes
*Urgent deadline turnaround options available
*Additional passes available and incur a fee
Package: Line Editing + Copyediting
A package that offers a combines service of line editing and copyediting.
​What you will receive:
All the services provided in the line editing and copyediting service (see detailed description in their respective service info box).
Edits to front or back matter (acknowledgments, character list, synopsis, author bio, etc.)
Line Editing
This is the first stage of manuscript editing (after developmental editing), where the finished manuscript undergoes extensive editing to strengthen the narrative by eliminating ambiguity and enhance the writing.
What you will receive:
A detailed editorial report that outlines your writing strengths and areas to rework
Conscious language feedback on language that may unintentionally harm, perpetuate stereotypes, or feed stigma
This is the second stage of editing (which often occurs multiple times), where the editor dives deeper into the manuscript to address the grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style consistency. The editor will also ensure that the manuscript follows the rules of standard English according to The Chicago Manual of Style.
What you will receive:
An extensively copyedited manuscript
Comments and feedback in the manuscript
The client will have the option to receive a report summarizing the edits.
*Additional passes available and incur a fee
This is the last stage of editing, where the manuscript has already gone through rounds of line editing and copyediting, and needs a final check for errors and typesetting issues.
What you will receive:
A proofread manuscript
*Urgent deadline turnaround options available
*Additional passes available and incur a fee